Thursday, June 6, 2019

Kiln Adventure - Chapter 2

During the initial move process for the kiln, I tweaked the original stand out of alignment.  I am not sure it is repairable.  Looks Pretty bad.  You can even see it in the background of the earlier photo of the Prius.

So, I decided to make a replacement.  While I am at it, I considered adding wheels, so I can move the kiln around the garage, , , , I mean the Old Raven Workshop.  So utilizing some salvaged bed frame (always a great day when I can score some curbside bed frame - "Po' man's angle iron" !) and some casters from Bo, I put together this stand.

 I am not sure how well the wheels will hold up to the heat.  they are hard rubber, and are not directly under the kiln.  If I find they are melting, I may have to replace with steel, but for now, it sure makes it easy to move the kiln around.  I also hade a spare can of cool purple spray paint. 

Kinda looks like R2D2 a little bit.

Now to get some power lined up.  (that might be a couple of months yet)

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