Monday, August 14, 2017

Waterfall idea

I wanted to try out a waterfall idea.  I wanted a waterfall that had a small pool of water.  I needed a container or a base to create the small pool.
Started with a steel Air Compressor
tank, cut it in half.

Then added legs to allow overhang on the pond
(maybe counterbalance with bricks on the back side)

After making the basic waterfall structure, I coated the inside surfaces with spray on truck bed liner.  I wanted to remove the metal-to-water contact points.
Then add plumbing, and a pond....
I will be updating the flag stone and waterfall rocks in the near future.  I put this together with what we had in the yard to see if we liked it.  The concept is good, so now it is time to find some flagstone.

Flagstones in place

Panoramic view

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