Thursday, September 9, 2021

Picture Corner

 We decided to make an Art Corner to highlight some of the art friends and family have done.  The Coffee bag is just there 'cause we liked it.....

Honey Harvest 2021 at the Old Raven Workshop

 Honey Harvest - just one hive this year - but they have been working!!!  Harvest in Early August.

This year we are going to try adding something called a 'quilt box' to the hive this winter - should help with moisture control - keep the hive from getting damp during the cold months.   (No one likes to be cold and damp, even bees!) 

Before putting it on, the bottom will be covered with fabric, and a layer of wood shavings goes on top.  The fabric/wood shavings should act as a moisture wick and insulating layer.  In theory, it should pull the moisture from the cold condensed air into the cloth and wood shavings, and out through the top vents.