Sunday, April 11, 2021

Power vent for the workshop (garage)

 I use lacquer and oil based paint in the workshop occasionally.  The 'workshop' is actually my 2 car garage.  It is very stinky and gives off noxious fumes.  Using the welder, even a little bit also makes some fumes; and wood working also creates a bit of dust.  Opening the garage door is not very practical in the middle of winter.  

I was looking for a way to vent the garage.   I took out an unused window and installed a 12" power vent.  I connected it with an extension cord with a timer.  

Works Great!

... and no, I don't make sawdust, use oil based paint and weld all at the same time . . .  that would end very badly!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Rain Water Collection Tank for the Garden

 We put a 275 gallon, food grade IBC tote next tot eh she.  I ran the downspout from the shed into the tank.  After running a hose from that, we now have 'free' water for the garden.

I will make a metal bracket later when I have more time.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Shutters on the house

Here are some new Shutters





Now we need to replace the storm door, paint the railing and determine what color to paint the trim.