Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Goodies

 I have been busy in the workshop making goodies for Christmas gifts.  I made some gift boxes, wine bottle stoppers, wooden Christmas trees and some old school spinning tops.

Christmas Crafts

Wine Bottle Stoppers 
wooden Christmas Trees

Old skool Spinning Tops

Top and Handle

Tree to Lacquer Finish

 I took a log, let it air dry for about 6 months. Then cut it onto lumber on the band saw.  A trip though the planner and an edge trim gave me some usable lumber.  Then used to make some gift boxes.

gift boxes w/ lacquer finish
unfinished boxes

Sycamore Wine Bottle Stoppers

Sunday, November 14, 2021

ready for Prime Time


In July 2021 - I shipped a laundry shelf creation I made to the prop department of Young Sheldon in Burbank CA.

Listing from my ORW Etsy shop
Photo of the shelf as I am boxing it for shipping.

And here is the shelf on PRIME TIME!!!!

Young Sheldon - S5 E4 and E5 (Oct / Nov 2021)

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Picture Corner

 We decided to make an Art Corner to highlight some of the art friends and family have done.  The Coffee bag is just there 'cause we liked it.....

Honey Harvest 2021 at the Old Raven Workshop

 Honey Harvest - just one hive this year - but they have been working!!!  Harvest in Early August.

This year we are going to try adding something called a 'quilt box' to the hive this winter - should help with moisture control - keep the hive from getting damp during the cold months.   (No one likes to be cold and damp, even bees!) 

Before putting it on, the bottom will be covered with fabric, and a layer of wood shavings goes on top.  The fabric/wood shavings should act as a moisture wick and insulating layer.  In theory, it should pull the moisture from the cold condensed air into the cloth and wood shavings, and out through the top vents.

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Coop is Done!

 Chicken COOP is DONE !!!!!!!

Luxury Chicken Accommodations

Built around the old dog kennel, we now have a three sided building to protect the run.  On the left is 'Cell Block II", with a small door for egg access.   On the right side is a small coop, with the nesting box on the far side, lovingly referred to as "Cell Block 3".

Egg Access.

A quick tour:

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Palacio de Pollo (Chicken Palace)

 First stage in creating a new chicken run

I have built the new chicken run.  That was the big part.  Next I will design a new coop that attaches to the outside of the run, and sits between the run and the shed.  Once that is done, I can remove the old coop that is currently sitting inside the run.

Better weather protection for the birds, less noise for the neighbors, and it provides additional privacy for the fire pit.   (the trash cans are actually feed and scratch grains  for the girls)

this is what we started with
- functional, but looks pretty rough

building a frame around existing run

Rafters going on

Roof on

Shed and run

Fire pit view of shed and chicken run

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Power vent for the workshop (garage)

 I use lacquer and oil based paint in the workshop occasionally.  The 'workshop' is actually my 2 car garage.  It is very stinky and gives off noxious fumes.  Using the welder, even a little bit also makes some fumes; and wood working also creates a bit of dust.  Opening the garage door is not very practical in the middle of winter.  

I was looking for a way to vent the garage.   I took out an unused window and installed a 12" power vent.  I connected it with an extension cord with a timer.  

Works Great!

... and no, I don't make sawdust, use oil based paint and weld all at the same time . . .  that would end very badly!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Rain Water Collection Tank for the Garden

 We put a 275 gallon, food grade IBC tote next tot eh she.  I ran the downspout from the shed into the tank.  After running a hose from that, we now have 'free' water for the garden.

I will make a metal bracket later when I have more time.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Shutters on the house

Here are some new Shutters





Now we need to replace the storm door, paint the railing and determine what color to paint the trim.  

Monday, March 8, 2021

Ring Box

 One of my co-workers recently got married - and they needed a ring box.  Fun project to make!  

Ring Security detail.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Painted Brick Fireplace

 We decided that we were tired of looking at the 1969 style brick fireplace in the middle of our house.  As long as I am going to put some effort into painting it, I might as well take care of that stoooooopid lip on the left side that does nothing but collect dust.   Got out the angle grinder with masonry bit, shop vac and went work....  (also used the respirator, goggles and ear muffs - that was a mess.)  I also had a scrap from the carpet install, and was able to patch the missing piece just fine.

I did open the sliding door and put the 24" shop fan on high to blow out the dust.  

Now, time to replace that carpeting......