Monday, August 10, 2020

Shed Windows

 I have the window frames built and boxed into the frame.

Window openings done!

Nice view of the fire pit.
Post Beam hardware - made from 7 gauge steel plate - drilling the holes was more problem than the welding.

Post base - made from salvage steel
(my favorite roadside score - bed frame!!)

Beer fly

Some nights you just have to flick the fly outta your beer and enjoy the beverage anyway.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Kindling Splitter

The original item
The original idea

 While I had the welder out making the plates and post bases; I also welded up a kindling splitter project for a friend.  Based on the Kindling Cracker idea, we drew up this device.  I am curious to hear if it works.

shameless copy
Shameless knock-off

1/2" rebar
8"x10"   12" tall