Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Welding Tank Cart - 99% up-cycled items

Welding cart - nearly all recycled materials:

Scrap metal = Sandie and Robbie's farm
Oak handle = Thanks for the scrap wood Randy N! (Quality Plus Painting)
Wheels from mower = Thanks, Doug the Beard!  (I think they were from your mower...)
Safety Strap = Larry or Gerry - Thanks!
Safety Chain = Gerry or Larry - Thanks!

Tanks - bartered from local welding supply - used 'trade in' of two CO2 tanks gifted years ago from Eric and Jack - Thanks guys!

I paid for . . . 6 screws to attach handle, spray paint and a good chunk of welding wire.

Rocket approved after a thorough sniff test.
Keeva still pending approval.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Glitter Grout Does Exist!

Old Raven took a break from projects to work on the house....

New Counter top, new sink, back splash

Back splash with Sparkle Grout
Old Kitchen